Data, Analytics, and Technology
The proper use of data and technology represents one of the most powerful opportunities brands have to get close to customers and improve growth.
The ANA is focused on creating a full suite of products and services to help data-driven marketers fuel growth through the informed, effective, and responsible use of data and technology.

The Challenge
Organizations are increasingly becoming data led. Studies have shown that companies who have developed a comprehensive data strategy and analytics capability, achieve growth at a rate higher than companies who have not. For today's marketers, it has become essential to develop a deeper understanding of data and analytics in order to create actionable insights, better decisioning and drive sustainable growth for the long term. And yet, this is an area where marketing leaders are not well-versed.

The ANA’s Response
The ANA is focused on creating a suite of consultative products and services designed to assist marketers in making effective and responsible business decisions when using data and technology to fuel differentiated and sustainable growth. We learn, grow, and are more successful together as part of the ANA's Data & Analytics, MarTech, Marketing Futures, and Addressability practices, and the member-driven initiatives they facilitate such as The Partnership for Responsible Addressable Media, #EngageResponsibly, the ANA International ECHO Awards, and more.
Latest Content
Articles, insights, research, and more to advance your marketing and advertising.
Training Takeaways
The Questions to Ask When Considering a New MarTech Tool
ANA instructor Mary Czarnecki offers five questions to guide the consideration of any new martech tool that could be added to your stack.
ABM Metrics Dashboard
Use our ABM Metrics Dashboard to define, track, and communicate your key ABM program metrics with your team.
Account and Product Mapping Template
Use our ABM Key Account Plan Canvas to create a simple, one-page action plan for each of your target accounts.
Featured Events
National, regional, and online events to help you learn and grow throughout the year.

Equipping marketers with the skills they need to advance their careers, their brands, and the industry.
- Advanced AI Prompt Engineering for Marketers (201) (Virtual Open Enrollment)
- Advanced AI Prompt Engineering for Marketers (201) (Virtual)
- AI and The Fourth Era of Content Marketing (101) (Virtual)

1-Day Conferences

Bringing marketers together to learn from each other and debate new approaches and solutions to industry hurdles.
A benefit of ANA membership, committee meetings feature a mix of member case studies, perspective from outside experts, and benchmarking/best-practice sharing that drive thought leadership on key industry issues. Each ANA committee meets three to four times per year and can be attended in person or remotely. Depending on the committee, 10 to 30 participants may attend — big enough for diversity of opinion, yet small enough for more intimate exchanges.
- AI Committee
- MarTech Committee
- Analytics & Data Science Committee
- Data & Direct Marketing Committee
- Measurement & Accountability Committee