Speaker Profile

Lisa Brown Shosteck
Consulting Director, ANA Center for Ethical Marketing & ANA DPF Dispute Resolution

Lisa is a senior marketing privacy and compliance professional with over 20 years of experience. She works with dedicated volunteers on the ANA’s Ethics Committees to knowledge-share and champion the effective and ethical use of marketing through thought leadership, education, and networking to drive excellence and foster a sense of community among marketing professionals hailing from brands, service providers, and agencies.

In addition to cultivating learning and networking opportunities in the marketing community, Lisa develops industry and consumer compliance and educational tools and services that comply with applicable federal laws, regulations, and guidelines, including the ANA DPF Dispute Resolution Program (a compliance and mediation service for company’s cross-border data transfer needs); and crafts strategic initiatives designed to reinforce consumer confidence in the power of industry to self-regulate effectively in all modes of marketing – direct mail, online advertising, email marketing, and telemarketing.