Speaker Profile

Eliza Slone
Vice President, Strategy / mkdm

For nearly twenty years, Eliza Slone has applied exacting analytical and creative skills to direct marketing challenges and opportunities, driving innovation and delivering outstanding successes. In addition to having extensive experience in fundraising strategy and integrated program development, Eliza is highly skilled in donor messaging, digital strategy, and direct response copywriting.

Eliza is a current Board member of the Direct Marketing Fundraisers Association. She is also a past Co-Chair of the DMA Nonprofit Federation’s Washington and New York conferences. In addition to being a leader in advancing education in the direct response industry, she has developed campaigns that have been recognized both by the DMFA’s Package of the Year Awards and the Fundraising Success Gold Awards for their outstanding performance in renewing donors and raising funds.

In 2017, Eliza received the DMA Nonprofit Federation’s first annual Rising Leader Award, recognizing achievement, innovation, and leadership in young professionals. She was recognized by Fundraising Success magazine as a Rising Star in its annual Fundraising Professionals of the Year Awards. She is also a co-author of The Art & Science of Multichannel Fundraising.

Eliza graduated cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Amherst College, where she received her B.A. in English.