ANA Trainers

Michael Quinn
The tech that transformed how we work (mobile, in the cloud, on ad hoc teams, in flatter organizations) also diminished the bond of chemistry and trustworthiness we need to win new business pitches. Michael founded Minor Nobles to address this problem and help people adapt their behavior to win pitches more often in today’s gig economy.
He has built agencies by winning pitches, both on-staff and as an agency founder, for over 20 years. Today, he teaches practical skills and offers insight based on experience, ongoing industry research and recent conversations about pitching with senior corporate decision-makers.
Over the years, Michael worked in various roles at FUEL/MVBMS in NYC, as Interactive Director at TBWA in Hong Kong and Project Director at He co-founded cYclops, a commercial production company with photographer Albert Watson. Most recently as co-founder of CreativeFeed, Michael built the agency by training people from disparate backgrounds to win new business pitches to global brands and tech start-ups alike in PR, social media, digital marketing, and content production. Michael lives in Tribeca with Betsy, his wife of 27 years.